Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 LSUA Catalog 
2021-2022 LSUA Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Semester Plan

Louisiana State University at Alexandria operates on a two-semester plan with an additional summer term. Qualified applicants may apply at the beginning of any term. In addition, the university offers seven week courses that are offered 100% online during regular semesters (fall and spring) and during the summer.

Courses that are offered in formats that are more concentrated are open to all students who meet course prerequisites. Because they are more concentrated, however, such courses may be of particular use to certain students (e.g., students who are in the military or students who have onerous employment obligations).

Admission decisions are made in accordance with state requirements and with university regulations and are based on evidence provided in the application form and in other, related documents. Students have the right to appeal admission decisions through the Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management.

Individuals seeking additional information about applying to LSUA should visit Admissions at 111 Abrams Hall, call (318) 473-6417, or e-mail admissions@lsua.edu.

Application for Admission

Students seeking admission to LSUA should apply at http://www.lsua.edu/Admissions/Apply and follow the appropriate application procedure outlined in this section of the catalog. Applicants who meet the university’s requirements are considered for admission to both associate and baccalaureate degree programs.

Application Fee

Students who apply to the university are charged a nonrefundable application fee. Students who have previously applied for admission but failed to register are required to pay the application fee when they reapply. The fee is transferable if, before the last day of late registration, the applicant requests that the fee be transferred to a different semester; it may be transferred only once, however. The application fee is waived for US veterans and active-duty military.

Application Deadlines

Priority Deadlines for Early Decisions:

Fall Semester: December 1
Spring Semester: October 1
Summer Session: March 1

Students who apply by the priority deadline and are admitted to the university can participate in early registration and are the first to be considered for scholarships.

Regular Deadlines:

Fall Semester: August 1
Spring Semester: December 1
Summer Session: May 1

Students enrolled in 100% online degree programs should visit online.lsua.edu for information about application deadlines.

Provisional Admission

Provisional admission, pending receipt of complete and official academic records, may be granted when it is impossible to obtain such records before scheduled registration dates and if unofficial transcripts are received by Admissions. Provisional admission may be cancel led, however, if complete and official academic records are not received by Admissions before the first day of classes, or if it is determined upon receipt of such records that the applicant does not qualify for admission.

Applicants Receiving Financial Aid

Students who expect to receive financial assistance (grants, loans, scholarships, etc.) should ensure that their admission applications and all supporting academic materials are on file in Admissions by the priority deadline published on the admission application form. Failure to comply with this requirement may adversely affect the awarding of financial aid.

The following categories of students are not eligible for federal financial aid or VA benefits:

  • Auditing Students;
  • Non-Degree Seeking Students;
  • Preparatory students (currently in high school);
  • Provisionally-Admitted Students;
  • Visiting students; and
  • POST Students.

For additional information about financial aid, consult “Financial Aid and Scholarships .”

English Proficiency

A student who is not a native English speaker is required to show evidence of English proficiency by attaining acceptable scores on the TOEFL examination or the IELTS examination or the GTEC examination. If the student has graduated from a U.S. high school and is not seeking a student visa, however, he or she is exempt from this requirement. For more information about TOEFL, IELTS, or GTEC, consult below.

Residency Status

The residency status of an applicant or student is determined in accordance with LSU regulations and is based upon evidence provided in the completed application for admission and in other, related documents. The regulations are based primarily on the location of the applicant’s or student’s home and his or her place of employment.

A resident student is defined as one who has abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled in the state of Louisiana continuously for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which classification as a resident is sought.

An individual’s physical presence within the state for one year must be associated with substantial evidence that such presence was established with the intent to maintain a Louisiana domicile. Physical presence within the state solely for educational purposes without substantial evidence of the intent to remain in Louisiana is not sufficient for classification as a resident, regardless of the length of time spent in the state. In addition, individuals seeking residency must not have attended a post-secondary institution in the state of Louisiana during the year prior to the first day of the semester in which they plan to enroll in courses.

Special provisions have been made for adults moving to Louisiana for employment purposes, military personnel stationed in Louisiana, and international students with immigrant visas. An international student on a student visa is classified as a non-resident.

For more information about establishing residency in the state of Louisiana, contact the Admissions office or visit http://www.lsua.edu/docs/default-source/admissions/louisiana-residence-status-policy.pdf?sfvrsn=a14b1cb1_0.

Proof of Immunization Compliance

Louisiana law requires that all students provide proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and diphtheria. College freshmen must also demonstrate that they have received two meningitis vaccinations.

As part of their application to LSUA, students are required to file a Proof of Immunization Compliance. The necessary forms are available from LSUA Admissions.

Students who intend to pursue a nursing degree should obtain physical examination forms and immunization sheets from the Department of Nursing before enrolling in clinical nursing courses.

Selective Service Compliance

Act No. 185 of the 1985 Louisiana Legislature states that those individuals who are required to be registered under the provisions of the Federal Selective Service Act (males between the ages of 18 and 25 who are United States citizens or resident aliens) shall not be permitted to enroll in a post-secondary school until they have registered for the draft. Students are responsible for complying with this act before they enroll at LSUA. They can do so by visiting the Selective Service System website: www.sss.gov.

Academic Bankruptcy

Students who have interrupted their college attendance for a period of at least three consecutive years and whose overall GPA is below 2.0 at the point of admission may declare academic bankruptcy. Under this policy, college-level course work performed at an earlier date is eliminated from computation of the grade point average and cannot be applied toward a degree at LSUA. Such work, however, is not removed from the student’s scholastic record and transcript.

Academic Bankruptcy may be declared only once, and once declared, may not be reversed. Students who declare academic bankruptcy are admitted on scholastic probation and in accordance with first-time freshman admission standards. Once admitted, they are academically eligible to receive financial aid for one semester. To continue to receive financial aid, however, they must make Satisfactory Academic Progress. The requirements that students must meet to demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress are presented on “Financial Aid and Scholarships .” For more information about these policies, contact Admissions.


Incoming freshmen and transfer students with 30 or fewer hours must attend New Student Orientation prior to the beginning of their first LSUA semester. Orientation offers a full day of information and activities that help students become familiar with the campus and its policies and procedures. Students can register for Orientation by logging on to their myLSUA accounts or by visiting the orientation web page.

LSUA/LSUE/CLTCC Bridge Programs

Since the fall of 2007, LSUA and LSUE have worked together to offer developmental and beginning college-level courses to those students who do not meet criteria for regular admission to LSUA. Such students are referred to LSUE and allowed to enroll in appropriate courses offered by LSUE on LSUA’s campus. When they have completed 12 transferable hours of college-level work, including three hours of freshmen-level English and three hours of freshman-level Math with grades of “C” or higher, and attained an overall grade point average of at least 2.0, such students are eligible for admission to LSUA.

Students enrolled in this program pay fees and submit financial aid applications to LSUE; however, they have access to LSUA’s learning resources (library and learning laboratories), and other student services, LSUA parking lots, the cafeteria, and housing (on a space available basis). An LSUA/LSUE Coordinator is available on campus to assist students in the program with scheduling courses and with monitoring progress towards meeting LSUA admission requirements. LSU Eunice is an open-admissions university and an LSU member institution.

Beginning Summer 2020, LSUA applicants who do not meet admission requirements may also choose to take courses on one of the eight campuses of Central Louisiana Technical and Community College.  When they have completed 12 transferable hours of college-level work, including three hours of freshmen-level English and three hours of freshmen-level math with grades of “C” or higher, and attained an overall grade point average of at least a 2.0, such students are eligible for admission to LSUA.

For further details about the LSUA/LSUE/CLTCC Bridge Programs, contact LSUA Admissions.

Dual Enrollment for High School Students

LSUA permits high school students to simultaneously earn high-school and college credit. LSUA is currently offering dual enrollment courses in several parishes in Central Louisiana, including Avoyelles and Rapides Parishes, and on the university campus. For more information about this program, email Admissions at de@lsua.edu or visit www.lsua.edu/admissions/apply/dual-enrollment.

Admission to a Degree Program

Some degree programs have admission requirements beyond the general requirements for admission to the university. For more information about such requirements, students should consult the catalog section that presents the degree program in which they are interested.

Categories of Admission

I. First-Time Freshmen

Applicants who have graduated from regionally-accredited Louisiana high-schools, accredited out-of-state high schools, or state-approved home-school programs; or who have earned a state-approved GED or passed the HiSET exam.

II. Transfer Students

Applicants who have attended other colleges or universities after graduating from high school but before seeking admission to LSUA.

III. Re-Entry Students

Applicants previously enrolled at LSUA who have interrupted their LSUA attendance for two or more semesters (excluding summer sessions). Note: students who have taken courses at another university since their enrollment at LSUA are classified as reentry students and not as transfer students when they return to LSUA.

IV. Visiting Students

Applicants who have attended and are in good standing with another university and who desire to attend LSUA before returning to their home institution.

V. Auditing Students (Auditors)

Applicants who wish to enroll in courses and not receive credit.

VI. Students with a Bachelor’s Degree (POST)

Applicants who have already earned a degree at the baccalaureate level or above and who wish to take courses as non-degree seeking students at LSUA.

VII. International Students

Applicants who are foreign nationals seeking student visas.

Admissions Criteria and Procedures

The criteria for each category of admission are presented here. Students who do not meet admissions criteria will be automatically considered under LSUA’s limited exceptions policy.

I. First Time Freshmen

Graduates of regionally-accredited Louisiana high schools

Students must meet each of the following criteria:

  1. complete the high school Core curriculum for college readiness in place at time of high school graduation;
  2. not be required to take more than one developmental course;
  3. have a high school grade point average of at least 2.0;
  4. meet one of the following:
    • have an ACT composite of 20 or higher;
    • have a high school Core grade point average of at least 2.0.

Graduates of regionally-accredited out-of-state high schools or state-approved home-school programs or students who have earned a GED or HiSet

Students must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. meet the four criteria for graduates of regionally-accredited Louisiana high schools; or
  2. have completed at least 17 units of the required core classes and have a high school grade point average of at least 2.0 and a high school grade point average of 2.0 in the 17 units of core classes and have an ACT composite of 20 or greater and not be required to take more than one developmental course (placement criteria for developmental courses are provided later in this catalog section); or
  3. have an ACT composite of 23 or higher and a high school GPA of 2.0 or higher and not be required to take more than one developmental course.

Application Steps for First-Time Freshmen

In order to be admitted, applicants must also complete each of the steps outlined below:

  1. complete an application and a Proof of Immunization Compliance form and return both to Admissions as early as possible before their intended enrollment date.
  2. submit scores on the American College Test (ACT), College Board SAT, or ACCUPLACER Scores. Current high school students should take the exams in the spring of their junior year of high school or as early as possible in their senior year. LSUA’s ACT code number is 1589 and should be specified by students at the time they register for the ACT. SAT Scores can be substituted for ACT scores. LSUA’s SAT code number is 1632. The ACCUPLACER exams are administered on campus by LSUA Testing Services. ACCUPLACER scores taken at other test sites are also acceptable for admission and placement purposes. Applicants can schedule the exam by clicking on the link below: www.registerblast.com/lsua/exam.
  3. Students who graduated from a regionally-accredited Louisiana high school before 2003 or from an accredited out-of-state high school or home-school should request that their high school mail an official transcript to LSUA. The transcript must contain an official date of graduation, rank in class, and overall grade point average. GED graduates should submit copies of their high school equivalency diplomas or a copy of the Louisiana State Department of Education test results; HiSet completers must submit the Department of Education test results.

II. Transfer Students

Undergraduate students with satisfactory records from other post-secondary institutions are eligible to apply for admission to LSUA as transfer students.

Students who wish to transfer to LSUA must meet one of the following sets of criteria:

  1. Have earned a transferable associate degree or higher from an accredited institution;
  2. Have earned at least 18 hours of college-level credit, including a college-level English and college-level mathematics course, with a grade of “C” or higher in each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.0;
  3. Have earned from an approved freshmen bridge program at least 12 hours of college-level credit, including a college-level English and college-level mathematics course, with a grade of “C” or higher in each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.0; or
  4. Meet freshmen admission requirements and be in good standing with their previous institution.

Transfer applicants who have been suspended from another college or university will not be considered for admission to LSUA until the duration of their suspension has expired.

Application Steps for Transfer Students

To apply for admission, transfer students must follow the steps outlined below:

  1. complete an application and a Proof of Immunization Compliance form and return them to Admissions as early as possible before their intended enrollment date.
  2. ask the Registrar of each college in which they have been enrolled to send an official transcript of record. Transcripts are required regardless of whether credit was earned, attempted, or is being pursued at the other institution. Students who are enrolled in college when they apply should send at least unofficial transcripts with their applications and should ensure that official transcripts are sent at the end of the semester for which they are enrolled. Eligibility for full admission cannot be determined until an application and a complete, official transcript from each college or university attended has been received. Each college or university attended must be listed on the application. The registration of students who fail to acknowledge prior attendance at any other college or university may be canceled; such students may be dismissed from the university.

III. Re-Entry (Former LSUA) Students

Former students who have interrupted their enrollment at LSUA for two or more semesters (excluding summer sessions) must apply to the university for readmission. Students should note that their enrollment is interrupted if, on or before the 14th day of classes, they have resigned from the university; had their schedule deleted due to nonpayment of tuition and fees; or been dropped from their courses because they have not met admission requirements.

Reentry applicants who have been suspended from LSUA or from another college or university will not be considered for admission until the length of their suspension has expired.

Application Steps for Re-Entry Students

To apply for readmission, students must

  1. complete an application and return it to Admissions as early as possible before their intended enrollment date;
  2. submit official transcripts from each college or university attended since their initial enrollment at LSUA, regardless of whether credit was earned, attempted, or is being pursued at the other institution.The registration of students who fail to acknowledge prior attendance at any other college or university may be canceled; such students may be dismissed from the university.

IV. Visiting Students

Students who have been enrolled in another college or university and who are eligible to continue in that institution may enroll at LSUA as visiting students. Such enrollment does not in any way constitute or presuppose subsequent admission to the university as a degree-seeking student. Nor may visiting students receive financial aid from LSUA.

Application Steps for Visiting Students

Those who wish to seek admission as visiting students should complete the steps outlined below:

  1. complete an application and Proof of Immunization Compliance form and return both to Admissions as early as possible before their intended enrollment date;
  2. submit official transcripts from the last school attended or a letter of good standing from the registrar of the home institution.

Visiting students assume full responsibility for the selection of courses to be applied at the institutions at which they are pursuing degrees; such students are urged to seek guidance from those institutions. To register in courses with prerequisites, visiting students must provide proof that such prerequisites have been met. Visiting students who wish to become degree-seeking students in a subsequent semester must reapply and pay the application fee.

V. Auditing Students (Auditors)

  1. A student who wishes to enroll in a class or classes for audit only must obtain special enrollment forms from Admissions and be admitted as an audit-only student. Written consent of the appropriate instructor(s) is required.
  2. Auditors will not receive degree credit for courses audited; nor will they be permitted to take advanced-standing examinations in the content areas of the courses they have audited. In a subsequent semester, however, they may take for credit courses that they have previously audited.
  3. Change in registration from audit to credit or from credit to audit requires permission from the chair of the department that offers the course(s).
  4. Approval for change from audit to credit or credit to audit may be granted no later than the final date for adding courses for credit as specified in the Academic Calendar.
  5. Students who wish to make such changes should contact their advisors for assistance.
  6. Students who wish to audit a course more than once must obtain permission from the chair of the department that offers the course.
  7. Students who enroll in courses for a combination of both credit and audit and students who enroll for audit only will pay the same amount in tuition and fees as students who schedule courses for credit only.
  8. Students who are audit only and who wish to become regular students in a subsequent semester must reapply and pay the application fee.

VI. Students with a Bachelor’s Degree (POST)

Students who have already earned a degree at the baccalaureate level or above may take courses for credit. To apply for admission, such students must follow the steps outlined below:

  1. complete an application for admission and a proof of immunization compliance form and return to LSUA Admissions as early as possible before intended enrollment date.
  2. request that the registrar of the college in which they earned their bachelor’s degree send an official transcript to LSUA; eligibility for admission cannot be fully determined until an application and a complete, official transcript has been received.

POST Students are classified as non-degree seeking students and do not qualify for federal financial aid. If a POST student wishes to become a degree-seeking student, he or she must reapply and provide any additional required documentation to LSUA Admissions.

VII. International Students

International students with superior scholastic records and English proficiency are considered for admission as freshmen or transfer students.

Application Steps for International Students

To seek admission, international students must complete each of the steps listed below:

1.  Complete LSUA Application for Admission

Complete the application for admission and submit the non-refundable $20.00 application fee plus a $ 60.00 non-refundable international student fee (total fee - $80.00).  Please be sure to include a foreign address on the application.

2.  Submit Transcripts

To be considered for admission, the applicant must send one copy of all official transcripts - in English- describing all academic studies completed and attempted prior to the time of application. These transcripts must be in a sealed envelope from the institution attended. All information must be submitted whether or not credit was earned and no portion of the applicant’s previous academic records will be disregarded. This includes secondary and post-secondary education.

Academic documents, both secondary and post-secondary will be required to be evaluated by an evaluation service recognized by LSUA. These evaluation services include the World Education Services (WES), Global Credentials, and InCred Evaluators. You may obtain information from these evaluation services from their respective web-sites.

LSUA requires a course by course evaluation for both secondary and post-secondary institutions.  Students are responsible for fees associated with this evaluation.

Transfer applicants must have completed a college-level Mathematics course designed to fulfill general education requirements and be eligible to enroll in a college-level English course (based on ACT or SAT scores).  Student may bypass the ACT or SAT if the student receives credit for a comparable English course taught by a previous post-secondary institution.  Please contact admissions at admissions@lsua.edu to inquire about such credit.

3.  English Language Requirement

An applicant whose native language is not English must demonstrate college-level English proficiency before admission through TOEFL (paper-based or internet-based), IELTS, or Duolingo. The chart below details minimum required scores for determination of English proficiency on each of these tests:

TOEFL (paper-based) 550                                                                                                                                           
TOEFL (internet-based) 7.9
Duolingo 100

Information regarding TOEFL exams may be obtained at the TOEFL website: www.toefl.org. You may also contact them at (609) 771-7100.

Louisiana State University at Alexandria’s TOEFL code number is 6383. Applicants who want their scores sent to LSUA should enter this code number on their answer sheet. They should also enter the code on Score Report Request Forms (when requesting TOEFL scores from tests previously taken). The TOEFL score must be sent directly to LSUA from the Educational Testing Service. LSUA cannot accept a copy of the scores.

4. All First-Time Freshman and Students Transferring without English credit

LSUA requires official ACT or SAT scores for international students. Applicants should send their scores directly to LSUA from the respective testing agency.

LSUA ACT code: 1589
LSUA SAT code: 1632

Students must meet either the English required score (ACT English minimum sub-score of 18; SAT ERW minimum sub-score of 500) OR Mathematics required score (ACT Mathematics minimum sub-score of 19; SAT Mathematics minimum sub-score of 510).

Students with lower scores should contact the Admissions Office at admissions@lsua.edu to talk about alternative paths for placement.

5. Complete the Confidential Financial Information Form and Affidavit of Support

International applicants are required to offer proof of the availability of sufficient funds to meet all costs while studying in the United States. They must return  the Confidential Financial Information Form and Affidavit of Support with the appropriate signatures and supporting documentation of available funds. Currently, students should be able to show $25,000 per year in funds and support. 

6. Send Before the Deadline

All materials for admission must be on file in the Admissions Office at least 90 days before the beginning of the semester in which admission is desired. When all documentation is not received by this deadline, consideration for admission will be delayed until the following semester.

7. SEVIS Fee

Effective September 1, 2004, most F-1 non immigrants starting initial attendance or to begin a new program (as marked on the form I-20) or starting a new academic program in the U.S., with the exception of their dependents, will be required to pay a fee of $200 prior to applying for a visa when utilizing a form I-20 at the U.S. Consulate and or U.S. Port of Entry. Students may learn more about payment options and to complete your payment, please visit: www.FMJfee.com

8.  Required Student Visa Interview

Any person wishing to obtain a student visa to study in the United States must go through an interview process at the American Consulate or Embassy in his or her country. This interview must be scheduled after the I-20 is received. It may take a long time to get an appointment, so students should make this appointment as soon as the I-20 is received. note: I-20 forms will not be issued until students have been admitted to the university. 

Please note:  All students on a F-1 visa will be required to carry student insurance.  

For more information about opportunities for study at LSUA, international students should e-mail Admissions at admissions@lsua.edu.

Transfer Credit

All college-level courses from colleges or universities in candidacy status or accredited by any of the six regional accrediting agencies at the time the courses were taken will be accepted for transfer credit. Courses from non-regionally accredited institutions will not be accepted for transfer; however, a student will have the opportunity to appeal for credit through the Prior Learning Assessment policy.

Note: transfer credit will be posted only for currently enrolled degree-seeking students.

Evaluations of credits from other institutions are made by department chairs and/or appropriate faculty and are processed by the Office of the Registrar. These evaluations are not made until a student’s complete application and all official transcripts from each college and university attended are received.

Transfer courses are evaluated based on the catalog in effect during the academic year in which the student applies to the university. When transfer courses are taught at the lower (1000-2000) level at the sending institution but at the upper (3000-4000) level at LSUA, upper-level credit may be granted if the courses are determined to be equivalent by the departmental faculty and department chair. Such equivalencies are usually limited to differences of one level (i.e., 2000 to 3000). Exceptions to this general rule require the approval of the departmental faculty and department chair. A maximum of 15 hours of lower-level transfer credit that has been evaluated as upper-level credit at LSUA may be used to satisfy the upper-level course requirement for the LSUA baccalaureate degree being pursued.

Credit earned by departmental or institutional examinations at other regionally-accredited colleges and universities and listed on an official transcript is recognized in the same way as residence credit earned in those institutions is accepted. Such credit is generally not included in the computation of the grade point average.

Students who have taken subject examinations in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or who have participated in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board (AP) should have examination scores sent directly to Admissions. Official examination scores are then sent to the Office of the Registrar for review and posting on student’s transcript if applicable.

Credit is not awarded for work or travel experience except as validated by appropriate credit examinations at LSUA.

Credit allowed by the Office of the Registrar for transfer is in all cases subject to review by the student’s department chair and to approval by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Inquiries about the evaluation of credit should be directed to the Office of the Registrar. Inquiries about the acceptance of credit for a particular degree program and about the length of time required for the completion of the requirements of a particular degree program should be directed to the appropriate academic department.

Procedure for Appealing Transfer Credit Evaluations

When a course equivalency evaluation is questioned by a student, the Office of the Registrar will review the current course documentation on file to determine if the evaluation is correct. If an error is found, the evaluation is corrected. If no error is found, the request is forwarded to the appropriate faculty member to review the course equivalency for possible update if appropriate. The student is notified by the Office of the Registrar of the final decision.

Placement and Advanced Standing

Advanced standing permits students with superior ability to demonstrate academic competence through examinations. Students may qualify for advanced standing credit in the ways listed below:

  • ACCUPLACER. Used by LSUA to place students in appropriate freshmen English and Math courses, ACCUPLACER is a suite of tests that quickly, accurately, and efficiently assesses reading, writing, math, and computer skills. Score requirements are presented below.
  • ACE (American Council on Education). ACE’s Military Guide presents credit recommendations for formal courses and occupations offered by all branches of the military. These credit recommendations appear on the service member’s Joint Services Transcript (JST). ACE credit recommendations are used by LSUA to determine whether credit will be accepted for transfer.
  • ACT (The American College Test). ACT scores are used by LSUA for placement and for granting advanced-standing credit in freshman English and mathematics. Score requirements and credit awarded are presented below.
  • AP (The Advanced Placement Program of the College Board). Advanced Placement credit will be granted by LSUA in appropriate subjects to admitted students who earn grades of 3, 4, or 5 on Advanced Placement subject examinations. 
  • CLEP (Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program). LSUA awards credit based on scores on CLEP subject examinations . Information about score requirements and credit awarded is presented below.
  • COMPASS (Computer-Adaptive College Placement Test). Used by LSUA to place students in appropriate freshmen English and Math courses, COMPASS is a suite of tests that assesses students’ skills in a variety of subjects. Score requirements are presented below.
  • Credit Exams (Departmentally Administered LSUA Credit Exams). Students of superior ability and preparation and students who have already obtained a fundamental knowledge of subjects offered at the university may be permitted to take a credit examination in a specific course, which, if passed with satisfactory grades, will enable them to receive degree credit. Additional information is presented below.
  • Credit for Approved Specialized Certification or Training Programs. In very limited cases, students may receive credit for specialized professional certifications. Generally, any such credit awarded will require presentation of an official copy of the certification award or transcript from a recognized training provider or licensing authority. The awarding of such credit also requires approval by the department in which the credit is granted, by the Registrar, and by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Additional information is presented below.
  • SAT (College Board) The SAT is a globally-recognized college aptitude test that LSUA uses to place students in and/or award credit for freshmen English and Math courses. Score requirements are presented below.

  The tables below indicate required scores for placement and awarding of credit for freshmen English and Math courses.

English Placement
English Score


Evidence-based Reading & Writing

New Generation

15-17 450 240 ENGL 1001  & ENGL 1000  
18-25 500 250 ENGL 1001  
26 or higher and combined ACT English Score and ACT Composite Score of at least 53 33 or higher and SAT Total Score of at least 1280   ENGL 1002 ; Credit for ENGL 1001  
Combined ACT English Score and ACT Composite Score of at least 65 36 or higher and SAT Total Score of at least 1350   Credit for both ENGL 1001  and ENGL 1002  
Math Placement

Math Score


New Generation


16-18 430 240 MATH 1021  & MATH 1000  
19-24 510-580 250 MATH 1021  or GE MATH  
25 or higher1 590 or higher   Credit for MATH 1021  
27 or higher 630 or higher   MATH 1550  
1 If the ACT Math Score is 25 or higher or the New SAT Math score is 600 or higher, the student may attempt to gain credit in additional mathematics courses through CLEP testing. Please contact LSUA Testing Services for additional information.

Students will not be granted ACT credit for courses that they have already earned grades in (A, B, C, D, or F). Students who have withdrawn from courses, however, can subsequently be granted ACT credit for those courses.

Advanced Placement Examination of the College Board (AP)

The Advanced Placement Program of the College Board allows high schools to offer well-qualified students the opportunity to take college-level courses while they are still enrolled in high school. Each May, advanced placement examinations are administered by the College Board to students who have participated in the program. The following list shows credit awarded by LSUA and the score requirements.

Examination Min. Score Courses Credit Hours
Art, History of 3
FIAR 2440 or FIAR 2441
FIAR 2440, FIAR 2441 
Art, Studio: 2-D Design 3 FIAR 1551  3
Biology 3 BIOL 1000, BIOL 1002  6
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1201, CHEM 1202  6
Economics 3
ECON 2010 or ECON 2020
ECON 2021, ECON 2020 
English Language and Composition 3
ENGL 1001 ENGL 1002 
ENGL 1001, ENGL 1002
ENGL 1001, ENGL 1002, (&) ENGL 2025 (or) ENGL 2027 
French 3
FREN 1001, FREN 1002
FREN 1001, FREN 1002, FREN 2101
FREN 1001, FREN 1002, FREN 2101, FREN 2102 
Government, Politics (US) 3 POLI 2051  3
Human Geography 3 GEOG 1003  3
History, American 3
HIST 2055 or HIST 2057
HIST 2055, HIST 2057 
History, European 3 HIST 1003  3
Calculus AB
MATH 1431
MATH 1550 
Calculus BC
MATH 1550
MATH 1550, MATH 1552 
Physics B 3
PHYS 2001
PHYS 2001, PHYS 2002 
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS 2101  3
Physics C: Elec. & Magnetism 3 PHYS 2102  3
Psychology 3 PSYC 2000  3
Spanish 3
SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002
SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, SPAN 2101
SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, SPAN 2101, SPAN 2102 
Statistics 3 MATH 2011/STAT/PSYC 2011 3

For more information about general program data and policies, contact Advanced Placement Program, The College Board, 45 Columbia Avenue, New York, NY 10023-6917.

College Level Examination Program of the College Board (CLEP)

.LSUA grants college-level credit on the basis of scores earned on certain CLEP subject examinations. The exams, required scores, and credit awarded are provided in the table below. LSUA does not offer credit for CLEP general examinations. Additional CLEP subject examinations, not listed in the table below, may be accepted for credit.

LSUA also administers CLEP subject examinations. Students interested in taking such examinations at LSUA should contact Testing Services at (318) 427-4492.

CLEP Subject Exam Min. Score LSUA Equivalent Credit Hours
Composition and Literature
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 50 ENGL 2025  3
College Composition 50 ENGL 1001/ENGL 1002  6
College Composition Modular 50 ENGL 1001  3
Science and Mathematics
Algebra 50 MATH 1021  3
College Mathematics 50 MATH 1029  3
Biology 50 BIOL 1001, BIOL 1002  6
Calculus with Elementary Functions 50 MATH 1550  5
Pre-Calculus 50 MATH 1023  5
History and Social Sciences
American Government 50 POLI 2051  3
Educational Psychology, Intro to 50 PSYC 2060  3
History of the United States I: Early Colonizations to 1877 50 HIST 2055   3
History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present 50 HIST 2057  3
Human Growth & Development 50 PSYC 2070  3
Macroeconomics, Principles of 50 ECON 2010  3
Microeconomics, Principles of 50 ECON 2020  3
Psychology, Introductory 50 PSYC 2000  3
Sociology, Introductory 50 SOCL 2001  3
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 HIST 1001  3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 50 HIST 1003  3
French 50 FREN 1001/FREN 1002  6
Spanish 50 SPAN 1001/SPAN 1002  6
Spanish 63 SPAN 2101 3
Financial Accounting 50 ACCT 2001 3
Information Systems 50 CMIS 2100 3
Principles of Management 50 MGMT 3200 3
Principles of Marketing 50 MKTG 3401 3

Credit Examinations

Students may apply for credit examinations at anytime after they have been admitted to LSUA. To initiate credit examinations, students must obtain permission from the appropriate instructor and from the chair of the department offering the course. Tests will be given subject to the following conditions:

  1. The student must have been admitted to LSUA (not in provisional status) and must be in “good standing.” If the examinations are taken before the student has enrolled at LSUA, credit will be granted after registration for resident study. NOTE: non-degree seeking students (e.g., summer only students, POST students) are not eligible for credit examinations.
  2. To initiate the examination, permission must be obtained from the appropriate instructor and from the chair of the department that offers the course. After such permission is granted, Admissions will issue an official permit. No instructor may give a credit examination until the official permit has been received.
  3. If a grade of “C” or higher is earned on the examination, a mark of “P” and advanced standing credit in the course are entered in the student’s record. If a grade lower than “C” is earned, the fact that the examination has been attempted will be recorded and a mark of “NC” entered in the student’s record; credit will not be granted. A student may take a credit examination in a particular course only once.
  4. Students are not permitted to schedule credit examinations in courses they have audited, in courses in which they have earned unsatisfactory grades, or in courses from which they have withdrawn and received a “W”.
  5. Credit earned through credit examinations will not be used in the computation of the student’s grade point average.
  6. Students must pay a fee for each exam taken (material fees apply in some courses). For more information about testing fees, call Testing Services at (318) 427-4492.
  7. No more than 25% of the total number of hours required for a degree can be earned by credit examination.
  8. Credit earned by examination cannot be applied to the total number of hours that students must earn at LSUA in order to be eligible for a degree.

Prior Learning Assessment


Louisiana State University at Alexandria (LSUA) recognizes that learning occurs outside of the college setting and that the outcome of this learning is sometimes the acquisition of skills and/or knowledge that may be equivalent to learning that occurs at LSUA and other institutions of higher education. LSUA may award credit for this learning through its Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Policy.

General Policy

  • PLA credit may be awarded only to students who have been admitted to LSUA as degree-seeking students and who are enrolled in courses.

  • PLA credit cannot duplicate credit already awarded to students.

  • PLA credit can be awarded only for college-level learning that is documented and that falls within the regular curricular offerings of the institution or that can be applied as elective credit.

  • PLA credit cannot be awarded for a course that has been previously attempted (either as an audit or for credit).

  • PLA credit cannot count towards enrollment when a student’s financial aid status is being determined.

  • Once PLA credits have been applied to a transcript, they will not be removed. PLA credits in excess of degree requirements may adversely affect a student’s financial aid eligibility.

  • PLA credit cannot be counted towards LSUA’s residency requirement. The residency requirement requires that at least 25% of the hours applied to a degree be earned in courses taught by LSUA.

  • PLA credit for experiential learning (e.g., CLEP, credit exam, portfolio assessment or other faculty‐determined assessment methods) cannot count for more than 25% of the credits required for a degree. For example, no more than 30 hours of PLA credit for experiential learning can be applied to a bachelor’s degree (120 hours).

  • The awarding of PLA credit must be consistent with the policies of LSUA’s institutional accrediting agency (SACSCOC) and its various program accreditors.

Types of Prior Learning Assessment

  • Credit Examinations

  • Portfolio Evaluation

  • Third-party test scores (e.g., AP, CELP)

  • Certifications and/or documented learning from third-party programs or institutions.

  • Military Service

  • Police Academy Credit

Transferability of PLA credits

  • Prior learning assessment credits awarded by LSUA may or may not transfer to other institutions of higher learning. Acceptance of such credits is subject to limitations imposed by the receiving institution based on that institution’s academic policies.
  • Students should check with the institution to which they wish to transfer regarding the transferability of PLA credits awarded by LSUA.
  • LSUA requires official copies of scores before it can award PLA credit based on third-party transcripts, test scores, or assessments (e.g., AP, CLEP) even if other institutions attended by the student have awarded credit on this basis.

Awarding and Posting of PLA Credit

  1. The awarding of credit for prior learning is not guaranteed.

  2. PLA credits will be awarded only if materials and documents submitted for consideration of PLA credit comply with LSUA policies on Prior Learning Assessment.

  3. All materials and documents submitted as part of the PLA assessment process become part of the student’s academic record and are not returned to the student. 

  4. The student is responsible for providing the appropriate documentation as required by the guidelines and/or criteria established by the faculty member and/or department chair for the awarding of PLA credit.

  5. PLA credit that has been awarded to a student will be posted on the student’s transcript after Census Day.

  6. PLA credits will be designated on the student’s transcript by the appropriate course prefix, course number, course title and number of credits awarded.

  7. PLA credits will be identified on transcripts as “Earned via PLA.”

For more information about LSUA’s Prior Learning Assessment Policy, visit the web page of the Office of the Registrar.